Marina Rubin

Marina Rubin was born in Vinnitsa, Ukraine and immigrated to United States in 1989. She is the author of three poetry collections – her first chapbook Ode to Hotels came out in 2002, followed by Once in 2004 and Logic in 2007 (the third book in the trilogy completed before the age of 30). Her work had appeared in magazines and anthologies including Lillith, Pearl, 13th Warrior, Asheville Poetry Review, Dos Passos, 5AM, Nano Fiction, Coal City, Green Hills Literary Lantern, Poet Lore, Skidrow Penthouse, The Portland Review, The Worcester Review and many more. Her work was nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2007 and in 2012. She is a 2013 recipient of a COJECO Blueprint Fellowship. Her fourth book, a collection of flash fiction stories Stealing Cherries is due for release in October 2013 from Manic D Press.

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